Extra Extra! KU is looking for new staff!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Staff Needed!

Hey guys. Kingsisle Universe is approaching completion (slowly and painfully) but we still have lots of tedious work to get done. But, when KU is released we will defiantly need a Staff. Currently the staff consists of: 

Victoria Drake and Justin Shadowblade (Founders)

The Drakeflame and Connor Mistblade, Smileyface(Wizard101 Insider Moderators)

Destiny Soultamer (Chief Editor)

So obviously we need allot more staff. Here is what we need:

Forum Makers (1 - 2)
Wizard101 Insider Moderators (2)
Pirate101 Voyager Moderators (5)
General Editors (1 - 2)
Graphic Designers (2)
General Staff (5)(General staff will help update)
News Writers (TBD)
Support Staff (TBD)

The ones we really need now are the Forum Makers. The Forum Makers are also the most important as of now and we really need this person dedicated, so we do have requirements:

Forum Maker Requirements:
*Knows a very good bit of HTML coding
*Able to make us a custom template
*Can help us when the forum goes live
*Knows how to work a forum using vbulletin (We'll provide)
Plus to be a forum designer, we would like to see work.

Here's what you need to know for other positions (destiny soultamer):

Wizard101 Insider and Pirate101 Voyager Moderators - Having had experience as a W101 Insider moderator, I have some immense respect for moderators of all sections. Your job is to look over and read through all that is posted and put up on Insider and Voyager, and make sure it is legitimate and safe. If I remember correctly, 'mods' have access to editing posts. If you sign up as an Insider moderator, then having in-game experience is great. Mod experience is appreciated, but is not necessary by all means. If you sign up as a Voyager mod, we expect you to have read through KI's Official Site, and to know basic FAQ about the new game. Expect to work in a team.

General Editors - I know exactly what you might be thinking. Why do we need editors? The editors are the ones who can sniff down a single spelling/grammar mistake, and be courageous enough to tell someone about it. I originally signed up for editor since I loved the job, but notice that though as an editor you'll have that awesome title (which I'm not kidding is awesome), you wouldn't have moderator abilities or anything else besides the title and staff position. If this is what you specialize in, you should go for it! Editors should expect an editing sample (which is replied when their application is accepted) and maybe a quick interview.
I am the chief editor, and expect the best from the team.

Graphic Designers - Can you call yourself a GIMP wizard? Specialize in graphics? This is the job for you! Graphic designers for KU work hard to make sure the site looks eye-catching and that the pictures are pleasing. Their work can be seen anywhere on the site, and needs to be nicely done to qualify. This job requires knowing how to use photo-editing and image-manipulating programs (GIMP or similar preferred) and the it would be great if we could see a sample too.

General Staff - The General Staff are the best of the best moderators, the wisest writers, and the members who 'know what they're doing'. General Staff have access to post anywhere, which makes them likely news writers too. I expect many General Staff members (in which the word General means 'most of') will come from other staff positions. However, we will accept a fleet of General Staff members through application during open beta, I guess. Mod experience is appreciated, but not required. Expect to work in a team.

News Writer - Are you a blogger, or just someone who likes to write about the latest news? This field will bring out your specialty! You are responsible for one of Universe's main concepts: Keeping users informed. Blogging experience is great, and we will need a sample. Expect to work on a team of writers and editors, and to not write every single article. Please be an active player/member. Writing sample is required, look for a reply to your application for a prompt and conditions.

If you want to join please submit the following form to kingsisleuniverse@gmail.com

Subject: Assistance (Type position you would like) 

Wizard Name:  
(To Give Credit)
Form of most convenient contact:

If you'd like you apply visit www.kingsisleuniverse.com/staff!

edited by destiny soultamer on july 21, 2012


  1. Can I apply here? Email is NOT a preferable way of contact for me, including that it gives my full/real name.

    Wizard Name:  Evan Shadow
    Level: 80
    School: Ice
    Form of most convenient contact: PM on Wizard101 Central to user "Dauntless"

    1. http://www.kingsisleuniverse.com/staff That's the link you can apply at, also you'd have to register. Thank you!
